Our Classes

Learn more about the Bloom and Bond method and what to expect in our Lake Oswego parent and infant classes.


What to Expect

Our 60 minute Lake Oswego parent and infant classes classes meet on a weekly basis. Each week we will focus our observations on different topics related to your child’s development. As a Bloom and Bond participant, you can expect to discuss some of the follow issues as they relate to your child’s growth.

Pre-verbal Cues

What do babies tell us with their eye contact, body language, or vocal expressions?

Promoting Autonomy

What are appropriate boundaries for guiding your child and letting them explore and play independently?

Safe Environments

How can you ensure that your baby is safe and free from danger while also encouraging exploration?

Styles of Discipline

In what situations are certain modes of disciple appropriate for children and what do they look like?

Social/Emotional Learning

What social cues do babies pick up on from others and how does this help them build healthy relationships?

Caregiver Interactions

When should you play with and interact with and interact with your child, and in what capaicty?

Who Should Attend

At least one parent and their child are welcome to attend class. This class is not designed for nannies, grandparents, or other caregivers as the focus is very much on the parents as well as on the children. We encourage any parent who is curious about their child’s development and looking for ways to increase positive parenting interactions with their baby to attend this class. By the end of the session, our goal is for parents to have developed a skillset that will allow them to thrive as caregivers. Children will also have fun exploring their environment and meeting new peers.

Summer 2024

 Be the First to Join!

Classes will begin in May 2024 through the Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation Department. Classes will be held on Wednesday mornings at 10am at Christ Church Episcopal Parish in Lake Oswego. Please register for summer 2024 sessions through LOPR by visiting their activity search page.

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